Contact Us
Contact Waiatoto River Safari
Phone: +64 (3) 750 0780
Free Phone: 0800 538 723 (within NZ)
NOTE: Some parts of the West Coast do not have cellular network coverage. You can, however, reliably get a signal at Franz Josef, Fox Glacier, Haast Township, Roaring Billy Falls Walk and then from Hawea Township onwards travelling south.
Email: info@riversafaris.co.nz
Address: 1975 Haast-Jackson Bay Road, Hannahs Clearing, Haast
Driving directions to Waiatoto River Safari
You’ll find Waiatoto River Safari on the West Coast of New Zealand’s South Island, halfway between Franz Josef Glacier and Wanaka. It’s a 2-hour drive from either but the breathtaking scenery makes it well worthwhile.
Take the Haast-Jackson Bay Road turn off from State Highway 6. Then follow the Haast-Jackson Bay Road to a village called Hannahs Clearing. We’re the last building on the left.
Check-in time is 30 minutes before departure. Please be on time.